Jokes of the day for Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Funny jokes, funny photo and funny video collected from the internet on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 |
New short Jokes to start day with laugh
My local supermarket is exchanging old novels for certain root vegetables.
That's a turnip for the books.
Apparently you can’t use beefstew as a password…
It ain’t stroganoff!
Someone stole my broken calculator, but I don't know why.
It just doesn't add up.
When I was a boy, "The Jetsons" gave me unrealistic expectations about the future
. . . like having a job, a loving family, and a dog.
Not to brag but I made six figures last year
I was also named worst employee at the toy factory
A guy walks into a bar and people start lining up to punch him
Yeah that’s the punchline
How do you get a one armed man out of a tree?
The Skydiving Instructor

I went skydiving today for the first time.
This guy strapped himself to me, we jumped out of the plane.
As we plummeted he said, "So how long have you been an instructor?"
Cutting class

"Jill," a teacher reprimanded the teenager in the hall, "do you mind telling me whose class you're cutting this time?"
"Like," the young teen replied, "uh, see, okay, like it's like I really don't like think like that's really important, y'know, like because I'm y'know, like I don't get anything out of it."
"It's English class, isn't it?" replied the smiling teacher.
The ancient Phoenician

Chuck Norris, who had grown ti...
Chuck Norris, who had grown tired of easy victories in fights, once fought himself to the death and won.Patton Oswalt: Romantic Comedies
Every romantic comedy should just be called, Trying to F**k.Anger versus Exasperation

The father replied, “It is mostly a matter of degree. Let me show you what I mean.”
With that the father went to the telephone and dialed a number at random. To the man who answered the phone, he said, “Hello, is Melvin there?”
The man answered, “There is no one living here named Melvin. Why don't you learn to look up numbers before you dial”.
“See,” said the father to his daughter. “That man was not a bit happy with our call. He was probably very busy with something and we annoyed him. Now watch….”
The father dialed the number again. “Hello, is Melvin there?” asked the father.
“Now look here!” came the heated reply. “You just called this number and I told you that there is no Melvin here! You've got lot of guts calling again!” The receiver slammed down hard.
The father turned to his daughter and said, “You see, that was anger. Now I'll show you what exasperation means.”
He dialed the same number, and when a violent voice roared, “Hello!”
The father calmly said, “Hello, this is Melvin. Have there been any calls for me?”
A man got really drunk one nig...

Wanna Dance?

A rather awkward freshman finally got up the nerve to ask a pretty junior for a dance at the homecoming. She gave him the once-over and said, "Sorry, I won't dance with a child."
"Oh I'm sorry," responded the underclassman, "I didn't realize you were pregnant."
Gabriel Iglesias: Looking for a Pregnancy Test

My mother says she never holds...

Last week she said, "You know, you really hurt me on your birthday."
And I was like, "Which birthday was that?"
So she replied, "The first one. You have a really big head, you know."
Nude Tiptoer

A woman who plays cards one night a month with a group of friends was concerned that she always woke up her husband when she came home around 11:30.
So she decided to be considerate and not rouse him this time. She undressed in the living room and, purse over arm, tiptoed nude into the bedroom, only to find him sitting up in bed, reading.
"Oh No!" he exclaimed. "Did you lose EVERYTHING?!?"
21st Century Newspaper

I was visiting my daughter last night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper.
"This is the 21st century," she said. "We don't waste money on newspapers. Here, use my iPad.".
I can tell you this... That fly never knew what hit him!
Ted Alexandro: Personal Trainer