Jokes of the day for Friday, 25 July 2008
Funny jokes, funny photo and funny video collected from the internet on Friday, 25 July 2008 |
Sometimes ...
when you c...
Sometimes ...when you cry ...
no one sees your tears...
when you are in pain...
no one sees your hurt...
when you are worried...
no one sees your stress...
Sometimes ...
when you are happy ...
no one sees your smile ...
But fart just one time...
What a talent....
A family was visiting an Indian reservation when they happened upon an old tribesman lying face down in the middle of the road with his ear pressed firmly against the blacktop.
The father of the family asked the old tribeman what he was doing. The tribesman began to speak..."woman, late thirties, three kids, one barking dog in late model, white, four-door station wagon, traveling at 65 m.p.h.
"That's amazing!" exclaimed the father. "You can tell all that just by listening to the ground?"
"No," said the old tribesman, weakly. "They just ran over me five minutes ago!"
How do you make a Maltese cros...
How do you make a Maltese cross?Peter Welsh, Juniper Green
If you have a joke you would like to share with us e-mail: letters_en@edinburgh
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