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Sport jokes (826 to 840)

Jokes about sports. These are the jokes listed 826 to 840.

 Maryland Crazy Law

  • Thistles may not grow in one's yard.


  • No person who is a "tramp" or "vagrant" shall loiter in any park at any time. They define tramp as a person who roves for begging purposes and a vagrant as an idle person who is able-bodied living without labor. It's a $50 fine. I guess the tramp would have to beg for the money to pay the fine. -Park Rule 6
  • It's illegal to take a lion to the movies.
  • It's illegal to throw bales of hay from a second-story window within the city limits.
  • It is a violation of city code to sell chicks or ducklings to a minor within 1 week of the Easter holiday.
  • It is a park rule violation to be in a public park with a sleeveless shirt. $10 fine. This would include joggers that go shirtless. (1898)

    Baltimore City

  • You may not curse inside the city limits.
  • Though you may spit on a city roadway, spitting on city sidewalks is prohibited.


  • Though clotheslines are banned, clothes may be draped over a fence.
  • You can not have a antenna exposed outside of your house yet you can have a 25' satellite dish.

    Ocean City

  • Eating while swimming in the ocean is prohibited.
  • A law from the early 1900's prohibits men from going topless on the Boardwalk. (Repealed)

    #joke #animal #lion #food #eating #sport #swimming
  • Joke | Source: Joke of the Day - Jokes served hot and fresh daily.
    • Currently 5.00/10

    Rating: 5.0/10 (1)

    Kid's say the darndest things....

    You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. - Alan, age 10

    You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. - Derrick, age 8

    Both don't want any more kids. - Lori, age 8

    Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. - Lynnette, age 8

    When they're rich. - Pam, age 7

    It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. - Anita, age 9

    There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? - Kelvin, age 8

    Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck.- Ricky, age 10

    #joke #sport #mother #mom
    Joke | Source: Jokes - Used to be - Pacific products joke of the day, but site no longer works.
    • Currently 9.62/10

    Rating: 9.6/10 (13)

    A Good Day for Ice Fishing

    After church, little Johnny and his brother go ice fishing. Little Johnny starts drilling on the ice when a voice from above says, "Young man, there's no fish down there.”
    Little Johnny asks his brother, "Who is that?"
    His brother replies, "I don't know."
    So little Johnny starts to drill again and the voice says again, "For the second time, there's no fish down there."
    Little Johnny asks his brother, "Could that be God?"
    His brother replies again, "I don't know."
    Little Johnny starts drilling again and the voice says once more, "Young man, for the last time, I'm telling you there's no fish down there."
    Johnny looks up and asks, "Is that you, God?"
    The voice says, "No, I'm the manager and the rink's closed."
    #joke #animal #fish #sport #fishing
    Joke | Source: Belief net - Joke of the day, features on religion, spirituality, faith
    • Currently 8.33/10

    Rating: 8.3/10 (3)

    The End Is Near!

    A local priest and a pastor were fishing on the side of the road. They thoughtfully made a sign saying, "The End is Near! Turn yourself around now before it's too late!" and showed it to each passing car. One driver who drove by didn't appreciate the sign and shouted at them, "Leave us alone, you religious nuts!"
    All of a sudden they heard a big splash, looked at each other, and the priest said to the pastor, "You think maybe we should have just said 'Bridge Out' instead?"
    #joke #sport #fishing
    Joke | Source: Belief net - Joke of the day, features on religion, spirituality, faith
    • Currently 5.00/10

    Rating: 5.0/10 (1)

    St. Peter and the Blonde

    Some ecclesiastical gentlemen -- a cardinal, a couple of bishops and some others -- were waiting outside the Pearly Gates for St. Peter to open up.
    He finally arrived, but just they were about to enter heaven St. Peter asked them to wait a moment and let a new arrival through first.
    A sweet young thing in a mini-skirt arrived and was ushered through.The cardinal was a bit upset about this and demanded an explanation from St. Peter. After all, they had been waiting outside for quite some time and were pillars of the church. How could a girl in a mini-skirt deserve better treatment?
    St. Peter smiled and told him: "While she was alive, that young lady drove a little yellow sports car. She regularly jumped red lights, overtook on blind corners, and generally scared the devil out of more people than all of you combined."
    Joke | Source: Belief net - Joke of the day, features on religion, spirituality, faith
    • Currently 7.44/10

    Rating: 7.4/10 (9)

     The NFL Team Names

    NFL Team Lame Names
    When a football team is having trouble getting into the win column, fans usually assign a more appropriate name to describe that team's performance. Here is a collection of some of these lame names for the NFL.
    AFC West:
    Denver Broncos - Denver Donkeys
    Kansas City Chiefs - Kansas City Griefs
    Los Angeles Raiders - Los Angeles Faders
    San Diego Chargers - San Diego Rechargers
    Seattle Seahawks - Seattle Weehawks
    AFC Central:
    Cincinnati Bengals - Cincinnati Plaingels
    Cleveland Browns - Cleveland Clowns
    Houston Oilers - Houston Spoilers
    Pittsburgh Steelers - Pittsburgh Reelers
    AFC East:
    Buffalo Bills - Buffalo Nils
    Buffalo Spills
    Indianapolis Colts - Indianapolis Dolts
    Miami Dolphins - Miami Stallfins
    Miami Soft Ones
    New England Patriots - New England Patsys
    New York Jets - New York Pets
    New York Not Yets
    NFC West:
    Atlanta Falcons - Atlanta Fellcons
    New Orleans Saints - New Orleans Aint's
    Los Angeles Rams - Los Angeles Lambs
    San Francisco 49ers - San Francisco Whiners
    NFC Central:
    Chicago Bears - Chicago Fairs
    Detroit Lions - Detroit Cryin's
    Detroit Kittens
    Green Bay Packers - Green Bay Fudgepackers
    Green Bay Slackers
    Green Bay Whackers
    Minnesota Vikings - Minnesota Tykes
    Minnesota ViQueens
    Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Tampa Bay Yuccaneers
    NFC East:
    Arizona Cardinals - Arizona Tardynals
    Dallas Cowboys - Dallas Cowgirls
    Dallas Cowpie
    New York Giants - New York Midgets
    Philadelphia Eagles - Philadelphia Beagles
    Washington Redskins - Washington Deadskins
    Expansion Teams:
    Carolina Panthers - Carolina Can't-thers
    Jacksonville Jaguars - Jacksonville Saguars

    #joke #animal #donkey #bear #lion #dolphin #pet #buffalo #lamb #sport #football #cowboy
    Joke | Source: Joke of the Day - Jokes served hot and fresh daily.
    • Currently 3.00/10

    Rating: 3.0/10 (2)

    Actual Personals From Jewish Newspapers

    Divorced Jewish man seeks partner to attend shul with, light Shabbos candles, celebrate holidays, build Sukkah together, attend brisses and Bar Mitzvahs. Religion not important.
    Israeli professor, 41, with 18 years of teaching in my behind. Looking for American-born woman who speaks English very good.I am a sensitive Jewish prince to whom you can open your heart to share your innermost thoughts and deepest secrets. Confide in me. I'll understand your insecurities. No fatties, please.
    Jewish male, 34. Very successful, smart, independent, self-made. Looking for girl whose father will hire me.
    Single Jewish woman, 29, into disco, mountain climbing, skiing, track and field. Has slight limp.
    #joke #sport #skiing #father
    Joke | Source: Belief net - Joke of the day, features on religion, spirituality, faith
    • Currently 8.00/10

    Rating: 8.0/10 (7)

    Women And Golf

    2 women were playing golf. On the third hole there was a 4 men in front of them but about 175 yards down the fairway.
    The first woman said i'll tee off he is far enough away. She hit the drive of her life, like a shot straight down the faraway. She screamed fore at the top of her lungs and as the men turned one was hit solidly. He was rolling on the ground in pain with his hands between his legs.
    She ran to him, apologizing and saying "let me help I am a physical therapist." He protested but she got him to put his hands at his side. She unzipped his pants and began massaging him.
    "How does that feel?" she asked. He said, "Great, but my thumb still hurts like hell."
    #joke #sport #golf
    Joke | Source: Joke of the Day - Jokes served hot and fresh daily.
    • Currently 8.98/10

    Rating: 9.0/10 (49)

    A young woman was taking golf

    A young woman was taking golf lessons and had just started playing her first round of golf when she suffered a bee sting. Her pain was so intense that she decided to return to the clubhouse for medical assistance.The golf pro saw her heading back and said, “You are back early, what’s wrong?” “I was stung by a bee!” she said. “Where?” he asked. “Between the first and second hole.” she replied. He nodded and said, “Your stance is far too wide.”
    #joke #animal #bee #sport #golf
    Joke | Source: Laugh Factory Network - Watch our huge library of the best stand-up comedy videos, get information on our stand-up comedians, read our joke of the day
    • Currently 8.00/10

    Rating: 8.0/10 (7)

    Bob and his three golf buddies

    Bob and his three golf buddies were out playing and were just starting on the back nine when Bob paused, looked down the fairway and began to sob uncontrollably.
    The other three gathered around him and asked: "What's wrong?"
    Bob looked down at his feet, sniffed and dried his eyes some, then apologized for his emotional outburst. "Im sorry, I always get emotional at this hole - it holds very difficult memories for me."
    One of his buddies asked, "What happened? What could have gotten you so upset?"
    Bob stared silently off in the distance, then said in a low voice,"This is where my wife and I were playing 12 years ago whenshe suddenly died of a heart attack; right at this very hole."
    "Oh my God", the other golfers said. "That must have been horrible!"
    "Horrible?! You think it`s horrible?" Bob continued still very distressed. "It was worse than that! Every hole for the rest ofthe day, all the way back to the clubhouse it was hit the ball, drag Alice, hit the ball, drag Alice..."
    #joke #sport #golf #golfer
    Joke | Source: jokes warehouse - Animal jokes, Blonde jokes, doctor jokes, drunk jokes and jokes of the day
    • Currently 4.10/10

    Rating: 4.1/10 (10)

    Two golfing friends were about

    Two golfing friends were about to tee off, when one fellow noticed that his partner had but one golf ball.
    "Don't you have at least one other ball?" he asked.
    "Nope, I only need one ball."
    "Are you sure? What happens if you lose that one?"
    "This is a very special golf ball. You can't lose it, so I don't need another one."
    "What do you mean you can't lose it! What happens if you slice your shot and the ball goes in the lake?"
    "That's okay, this special golf ball senses when it's under water and it puts out a steam of bubbles. I'll be able to retrieve it. You can't lose this ball"
    "Well what happens if you hit it into the long rough?"
    "No problem, you see, this ball can detect the long grass and it sends up puffs of fluorescent smoke. I'll be able to see it easily. You can't lose this ball"
    Exasperated, the friend asks, "Okay. Let's say our game goes late, the sun goes down, and you hit your ball deep into the trees and it gets lost among the bushes and shrubs?. What are you going to do then?"
    "That's okay too. You see, this special ball can sense the darkness and it makes a beeping sound. I'll be able to get it back - no problem."
    Finally satisfied that he needs only the one amazing golf ball, the friend asks, "Hey, where did you get a golf ball like that anyway?"
    "I found it."
    #joke #sport #golf
    Joke | Source: Smilezilla - Daily Jokes and Funny Stories
    • Currently 5.00/10

    Rating: 5.0/10 (1)

    Stung by a bee

    A woman taking golf lessons had just started her first round when she was stung by a bee. Distraught, she went back into the clubhouse and told her golf teacher about the incident.

    "Where did it sting you?" he asked.

    "Between the first and second hole," she replied.

    He shook his head and said: "That’s your problem right there. You had your feet too far apart!"

    #joke #animal #bee #sport #golf
    Joke | Source: Jokes of the Day - Originally taken from site that work no more - Get Frank - NZ's Online Men's Lifestyle Magazine for Fashion, Health, Lifestyle, Recreation Articles & Reviews, Funny jokes and photos updated daily
    • Currently 8.32/10

    Rating: 8.3/10 (19)

    There was a man who said, "I n

    There was a man who said, "I never knew what happiness was until I got married...and then it was too late!"
    Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.
    They say when a man holds a woman's hand before marriage, it is love; after marriage, it is self-defense.
    When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten-year married man looks happy, we wonder why.
    There was this lover who said that he would go through hell for her. They got married, and now he is going through hell.
    A Code of Honor: Never approach a friend's girlfriend or wife with mischief as your goal. There are just too many women in the world to justify that sort of dishonorable behavior. Unless she's really attractive. -- Bruce Friedman
    A coward is a hero with a wife, kids, and a mortgage. -- Marvin Kitman
    A gentleman is one who never swears at his wife while ladies are present.
    A husband is living proof that a wife can take a joke.
    A husband is what's left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted. -Marriage quotes2// Marriage is like a mousetrap. Those on the outside are trying to get in. Those on the inside are trying to get out.
    Marriage is low down, but you spend the rest of your life paying for it.
    Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of man your wife would have preferred.
    Marriage is the sole cause of divorce.
    Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity.
    Marriage still confers one very special privilege - only a married person can get divorced.
    Marriage: A ceremony in which rings are put on the finger of the lady and around the hands and feet of the man.
    Marriage: the only sport in which the trapped animal has to buy the license.
    Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth.
    Joke | Source: jokes warehouse - Animal jokes, Blonde jokes, doctor jokes, drunk jokes and jokes of the day
    • Currently 3.60/10

    Rating: 3.6/10 (5)

    Baseball in heaven

    Two old men had been best friends for years, and they both live to their early 90's, when one of them suddenly falls deathly ill. His friend comes to visit him on his deathbed, and they're reminiscing about their long friendship, when the dying man's friend asks, "Listen, when you die, do me a favor. I want to know if there's baseball in heaven."

    The dying man said, "We've been friends for years, this I'll do for you." And then he dies.

    A couple days later, his surviving friend is sleeping when he hears his friend's voice. The voice says, "I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that there's baseball in heaven."

    "What's the bad news?"

    "You're pitching on Wednesday."

    #joke #sport #baseball
    Joke | Source: Jokes - Used to be - Pacific products joke of the day, but site no longer works.
    • Currently 8.56/10

    Rating: 8.6/10 (16)

    Idle Conversation

    A bored guy sat in the bar and looking to strike up a conversation.

    He turns to bartender and says, "Hey, about those Democrats in the Congress..."

    "STOP pal, I don't allow talk about politics in my bar!" interrupted the bartender.

    A few minutes later the guy tried again, "People say about the Pope..."

    "NO religion talk, either," the bartender cuts in.

    One more try to break the boredom," I thought the Yankees would..."

    "NO sports talk...That's how fights start in bars!" the barman said.

    "Look, how about sex. Can I talk to you about sex?"

    "Sure, that we can talk about." replies the barkeep.


    Submitted by Glaci

    Edited by Curtis

    #joke #sport
    Joke | Source: Jokes of the day - Taken from Bartender's guide to Jokes, Drinks, and Poker - once good site, no longer active.
    • Currently 5.00/10

    Rating: 5.0/10 (1)

    Jokes Archive

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