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Jokes of the day for Thursday, 19 January 2023

Funny jokes, funny photo and funny video collected from the internet on Thursday, 19 January 2023

10 Things You Never Hear in Church

1. Hey! It's my turn to sit in the front pew!2. I was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went 25 minutes over time.3. Personally I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.4. I've decided to give our church the $500 a month I used to send to TV evangelists.5. I volunteer to be the permanent teacher for the Junior High Sunday School class.6. Forget the denominational minimum salary. Let's pay our pastor so he can live like we do.7. I love it when we sing hymns I've never heard before!8. Since we're all here, let's start the service early.9. Pastor, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the Bahamas.10. Nothing inspires me and strengthens my commitment like our annual stewardship campaign!
#joke #sport #golf
Joke | Source: Belief net - Joke of the day, features on religion, spirituality, faith
  • Currently 4.67/10

Rating: 4.7/10 (6)

I Always Liked You

I recently ran into an old student of mine, who said, “I always liked you. You never had favorites."
"Why thank you," I replied.
Then he concluded with, "You were mean to everyone.”

#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Monday, 13 May 2019
  • Currently 8.56/10

Rating: 8.6/10 (16)


Larry's barn burned down and his wife, Susan, called the insurance company.

Susan spoke to the insurance agent and said, "We had that barn insured for fifty thousand, and I want my money."

The agent replied, "Whoa there, just a minute. Insurance doesn't work quite like that. An independent adjuster will assess the value of what was insured, and then we'll provide you with a new barn of similar worth."

There was a long pause, and then Susan replied, "If that's how it works, then I want to cancel the life insurance policy on my husband."

Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Sunday, 05 February 2017
  • Currently 7.95/10

Rating: 8.0/10 (20)

A thirsty Frenchman is still q...

A thirsty Frenchman is still quite soif.
#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Wednesday, 15 June 2011
  • Currently 4.50/10

Rating: 4.5/10 (6)

Can We....

On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple is involved in a fatal car accident.  The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven.

While waiting, they begin to wonder: Could they possibly get married in Heaven?

When St. Peter showed up, they asked him. St. Peter said, ‘I don’t know. This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out,’ and he leaves.

The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple are still waiting. While waiting, they began to wonder what would happen if it didn’t work out; could you get a divorce in heaven.

After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat bedraggled. ‘Yes,’ he informs the couple, ‘you can get married in Heaven.’

‘Great!’ said the couple, ‘But we were just wondering, what if things don’t work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?’

St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard onto the ground.

‘What’s wrong?’ asked the frightened couple.

‘OH, COME ON!’, St. Peter shouted, ‘It took me three months to find a priest up here! Do you have any idea how long it’ll take me to find a lawyer?

#joke #lawyer
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Monday, 19 January 2015
  • Currently 9.15/10

Rating: 9.2/10 (59)

To be or not to be? That is th...

To be or not to be? That is the question. The answer? Chuck Norris.
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Thursday, 19 January 2012
  • Currently 2.84/10

Rating: 2.8/10 (45)

Drunk date

A guy enters a bar and orders two shots of vodka. He drinks the first and dumps the second on his right hand.

He then orders a second round of shots, drinks the first and again dumps the second on his right hand.

The bartender sees this and becomes curious as the guy orders a third round and does the exact same thing.

So the bartender asks the guy, "Hey man, I hope you don't mind me asking but why the waste of good drinks?"

So the man says, "I have to get my date drunk."

Submitted by Curtis

Edited by Yisman

#joke #drinks #vodka
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Wednesday, 19 January 2011
  • Currently 3.52/10

Rating: 3.5/10 (42)

Hold that thought

Q: what is the blonde doing when she holds her hands tightly over her ears?

A: Trying to hold onto a thought.

Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Thursday, 19 January 2012
  • Currently 5.56/10

Rating: 5.6/10 (36)

She Changed Her Name

She wanted to buy personalized license plates but she couldn't afford them.
So she changed her name to JKM345.

#joke #short
Joke | Source: A joke a day - Free Jokes of the Day Clean Funny Jokes via Email, Humor and Entertainment
  • Currently 7.54/10

Rating: 7.5/10 (13)

Nothing personal....

"I hope you didn't take it personally, Reverend," an embarrassed woman said after a church service, "when my husband walked out during your sermon."

"I did find it rather disconcerting," the preacher replied.

"It's not a reflection on you," insisted the church goer. "Ralph has been been walking in his sleep since childhood."

Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Monday, 01 May 2017
  • Currently 8.85/10

Rating: 8.9/10 (20)

Cannibal jokes

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other, 'Does this taste funny to you?'

That reminds me of the cannibal that passed his friend in the woods.....

When do cannibals leave the table? When everyone's eaten.......

What is a cannibal's favorite type of TV show? A celebrity roast.....

Where do cannibals shop for fine furniture? Eatin' Allen's......

What do cannibals eat for dessert? Chocolate covered aunts......

What do cannibals make out of politicians? Baloney sandwiches......

Have you heard about the cannibal restaurant? Dinner costs an arm and a leg......

Did you hear about the cannibal who loved fast food? He ordered apizza with everybody on it.......

Cannibal's recipe book: How to Serve Your Fellow Man.......

One cannibal to another: I never met a man I didn't like...........

Two cannibals were sitting by a fire. The first says, 'Gee, I hate my mother-in-law.' The 2nd replies, 'So, try the potatoes.'

#joke #food #dinner #dessert #chocolate #eating
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Saturday, 14 January 2017
  • Currently 6.44/10

Rating: 6.4/10 (9)

A Silent Bomb in Church

An elderly couple were in church. The wife leaned over and whispered to her husband, "I just let out a long silent fart... what should I do?"The husband replied, "Replace the batteries in your hearing aid."-
#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Saturday, 03 September 2022
  • Currently 6.58/10

Rating: 6.6/10 (12)

Rise Caesar!

A rather bookish young man goes into a whorehouse to seek entertainment. He goes up to the madam and says, "Madam, I'd like a woman for the evening."

The Madam says, "Sir, I'm afraid all the girls are taken tonight, but if you'd care to, I'm available."

So the guy and the madam go into a bedroom and get undressed. As he takes off his clothes, she looks him over and she notices that, flaccid, he's only two inches long. But then the guy says, "Rise, Caesar!"

And his cock rises to a full 12 inches. So they have a great time, and after about five hours even the madam is very impressed.

"Sir," she says, "this has been one of the most pleasurable evenings of my life. I was wondering if you'd mind if I called the girls in so they could have a look at you. You're really something special, you know."

But the guy says, "No, madam, no. I have come to bury Caesar, not to praise him."

Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Sunday, 15 June 2008
  • Currently 6.00/10

Rating: 6.0/10 (10)

A priest was preparing a man f...

A priest was preparing a man for his long journey into the night.
Whispering firmly, the priest said, "Denounce the devil! Let him know how little you think of his evil."
The dying man said nothing.
The priest repeated his order. Still the dying man said nothing.
The priest asked, "Why do you refuse to denounce the devil and his evil?"
The dying man said, "Until I know where I'm heading, I don't think I ought to aggravate anybody."
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 15 September 2015
  • Currently 4.88/10

Rating: 4.9/10 (8)

Freud's patient

One of Sigmund Freud's early patients rushed out into an Austrian afternoon on her way to meet her best friend at a coffee house.

Over Cappuccino and Viennese pastries, she suddenly burst out crying.

Her friend begged her to share what was wrong.

"Oh, it's just terrible," she wailed. "Today the doctor told me I'm in love with my father, and. . .and. . .and you know, he's a married man!"

#joke #doctor #drinks #coffee
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 12 July 2016
  • Currently 2.82/10

Rating: 2.8/10 (17)

Jokes Archive

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