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Mouse jokes (226 to 240)

Jokes about mouses. These are the jokes listed 226 to 240.

Silly Collection 12

What stories do the ship captain's children like to hear?

Ferry tales!

Why did Robin Hood only steal from the rich?

Because the poor have nothing worth taking!

Who invented fractions?

Henry the 1/8!

What's an insect's favourite sport?


What kind of car does Mickey Mouse's wife drive?

A minnie van!

Is this a second hand shop?

Yes Sir
Good. Can you fit one to my watch then please!

How did Noah see the animals in the Ark at night?

By flood lighting!

Joke | Source: Joke of the Day - Jokes served hot and fresh daily.
  • Currently 6.75/10

Rating: 6.8/10 (4)

Ever wonder WHY … Ever wonder WHY …
  • the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?
  • women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?
  • don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
  • is "abbreviated" such a long word?
  • is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?
  • is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?
  • is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons?
  • is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
  • is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
  • isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
  • When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?
  • didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
  • do they sterilize the needle for lethal inje
  • they don't make the whole plane out of the stuff that is used to make that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes?
  • don't sheep shrink when it rains?
  • are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
  • they call the airport the terminal?
  • If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
#joke #doctor #animal #cat #dog #mouse #sheep #fruit #lemon #food #drinks #juice

Joke | Source: Dos santos online - Not joke related site, but with joke of the day
  • Currently 6.00/10

Rating: 6.0/10 (2)

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