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Drinks jokes (661 to 675)

Jokes about drinks. These are the jokes listed 661 to 675.

We judge on results...

A minister has just died and is standing on line waiting to be judges and admitted to Heaven. While waiting he asks the man in front of him about himself. "I'm a taxi driver from Noo Youk Cidy"

Suddenly the angel standing at the gate calls out next, and the taxi driver steps up. The angel hands him a golden staff and a cornucopia of fruits, cheeses and wine and lets him pass. The taxi driver is quite pleased, and proceeds through the gates.

Next, the minister steps up to the angel and the angel hands him a wooden staff and some bread and water. The minister is very concerned and asks the angel, "That guy is a taxi driver and gets a golden staff and a cornucopia! I spend my entire life as a minister and get nothing! How can that be?"

The angel replies, "Up here we judge on results, all of your people sleep through your sermons, in his taxi, they pray."

#joke #fruit #food #bread #cheese #drinks #wine
Joke | Source: Jokes - Used to be - Pacific products joke of the day, but site no longer works.
  • Currently 6.00/10

Rating: 6.0/10 (8)

 Indiana Crazy Law

  • One man may not back into a parking spot becasue it prevents police officers from seeing the license plate.
  • Baths may not be taken between the months of October and March.
  • All males 18 to 50 years old must work six days a year on public roads.
  • Mustaches are illegal if the bearer has a tendency to habitually kiss other humans.
  • Hotel sheets must be exactly 99 inches long and 81 inches wide.
  • State government officials who engage in private duels can be dismissed from their post.
  • Drinking from your own bottle in a bar can lead to your arrest.
  • A man over the age of 18 may be arrested for statutory rape if the passenger in his car is not wearing her socks and shoes, and is under the age of 17.
  • It is illegal to sell cars on Sunday.
  • Drinks on the house are illegal.
  • It is illegal for a liquor store to sell cold soft drinks.
  • A person who dyes, stains, or otherwise alters the natural coloring of a bird or rabbit commits a Class B misdemeanor. (Ind. Code 15-2.1-21-13(b)
  • Smoking in the state legislature building is banned, except when the legislature is in session.
  • Liquor stores may not sell milk.
  • Check forgery can be punished with public flogging up to 100 stripes.
  • Grocery stores may not sell any type of cold liquor.
  • You can get out of paying for a dependent's medical care by praying for him/her.
  • Pedestrians crossing the highway at night are prohibited from wearing tail lights.
  • No one may catch a fish with his bare hands.
  • Men are prohibited from standing in a bar.
  • You are not allowed to carry a cocktail from the bar to a table. The waiter or waitress has to do it.
  • "Spiteful Gossip" and "talking behind a person's back" are illegal.
  • You are required to pour your drink into a glass.
  • It is against the law to pass a horse on the street.
  • If any person has a puppet show, wire dancing or tumbling act in the state of Indiana and receives money for it, they will be fined $3 under the Act to Prevent Immoral Practices.
  • Anyone 14 or older who profanely curses, damns or swears by the name of God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, shall be fined one to three dollars for each offense, with a maximum fine of ten dollars per day.
  • A three dollar fine per pack will be imposed on anyone playing cards in Indiana under the Act for the Prevention of Gaming.
  • The value of Pi is 4, and not 3.1415. (Repealed)


  • It is illegal to bike, roller-skate, skateboard, or inline skate in a commercially zoned area. For these offesnses, there is a fine of no more than $5 or the impounding of one's bicycle for a period not to exceed 30 days.

    Beech Grove

  • It is forbidden to eat watermelon in the park.


  • It is illegal for barbers to threaten to cut off kid's ears.


  • While driving on Main Street you may not have your lights on.

    Fort Wayne

  • You may not sell or play on a radio broadcast, the record "It`s In the Book".


  • Within four hours of eating garlic, a person may not enter a movie house, theater, or ride a public streetcar.

    South Bend

  • It is illegal to make a monkey smoke a cigarette.

    Terre Haute

  • No one may spit on the sidewalk.

    #joke #policeman #animal #horse #rabbit #monkey #bird #fish #fruit #watermelon #food #garlic #eating #drinks #milk
  • Joke | Source: Joke of the Day - Jokes served hot and fresh daily.
    • Currently 3.00/10

    Rating: 3.0/10 (2)

    A Mormon was seated next to an

    A Mormon was seated next to an Irishman on a flight from London.
    After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken. The Irishman asked for a whiskey, which was promptly brought and placed before him.
    The flight attendant then asked the Mormon if he would like a drink.
    He replied in disgust, "I'd rather be savagely raped by a dozen whores than let liquor touch my lips."
    The Irishman then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me too. I didn't know we had a choice."
    #joke #drinks #whiskey
    Joke | Source: Smilezilla - Daily Jokes and Funny Stories
    • Currently 3.00/10

    Rating: 3.0/10 (2)

    If you ever fall in love

    If you ever fall in love… fall in love with someone who wants to know your favorite color and just how you like your coffee. Fall in love with someone who loves the way you laugh and would do absolutely anything to hear it. Fall in love with someone who puts their head on your chest just to hear your heart beat. Fall in love with someone who kisses you in public and is proud to show you off to anyone they know. Fall in love with someone who makes you question why you were afraid to fall in love in the first place. Fall in love with someone who would never ever want to hurt you. Fall in love with someone who falls in love with your flaws and thinks you are perfect just the way you are. Fall in love with someone who thinks that you are the ONE they would love to wake up to each day.
    #joke #drinks #coffee
    Joke | Source: Minion Quotes - Despicable Me Minions is a website dedicated to minions. Have a good time reading minion quotes, funny quotes or entertain yourself playing minion games. Sajt vise ne radi
    • Currently 4.25/10

    Rating: 4.3/10 (4)

    Girls Night Out

    A group of 40 year old girlfriends discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally, it was agreed upon that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the waiters there had tight pants and nice buns.

    10 years later at 50 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the food there was very good and the wine selection was good also.

    10 years later at 60 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they could eat there in peace and quiet and the restaurant had a beautif ul view of the ocean.

    10 years later, at 70 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the restaurant was wheel chair accessible and they even had an elevator.

    10 years later, at 80 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they had never been there before.

    #joke #food #dinner #drinks #wine
    Joke | Source: Jokes - Used to be - Pacific products joke of the day, but site no longer works.
    • Currently 9.00/10

    Rating: 9.0/10 (14)

    If you ever fall in love

    If you ever fall in love… with who wants to know your favorite color and just how you like your coffee. Fall with someone who loves the way you laugh and would do absolutely anything to hear it. Fall in love with someone who puts their head on your chest just to hear your heart beat.  Fall in love with someone who kisses you in public and is proud to show you off to anyone they know. Fall in love with someone who makes you question why you were afraid to fall in love in the first place. Fall in love with someone who would never ever want to hurt you. Fall in love with someone who falls in love with your flaws and thinks you are perfect just the way you are. Fall in love with someone who thinks that you are the ONE they would love to wake up to each day.
    #joke #drinks #coffee
    Joke | Source: Minion Quotes - Despicable Me Minions is a website dedicated to minions. Have a good time reading minion quotes, funny quotes or entertain yourself playing minion games. Sajt vise ne radi
    • Currently 3.00/10

    Rating: 3.0/10 (2)

    It's great to be a guy

    Reasons why it's great to be a guy

    Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.

    You know stuff about tanks.

    A five day vacation requires only one suitcase.

    Monday Night Football.

    Your bathroom lines are 80% shorter.

    You can open all your own jars.

    Old friends don't annoy you if you've lost or gained weight.

    Dry cleaners and haircutters don't rob you blind.

    When clicking through the channel, you don't have to stall on every shot of someone crying.

    A beer gut does not make you invisible to the opposite sex.

    Guys in hockey masks don't attack you.

    You don't have to lug a bag of useful stuff around everywhere you go.

    You can go to the bathroom without a support group.

    Your last name stays put.

    You can leave a hotel bed unmade.

    When your work is criticized, you don't have to panic that everyone secretly hates you.

    You can kill your own food.

    The garage is all yours.

    You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

    You see the humor in Terms of Endearment.

    You never have to clean the toilet.

    You can be showered and ready in 10 minutes.

    Wedding plans take care of themselves.

    If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend.

    Your underwear is $10 for a three pack.

    The National College Cheerleading Championship

    None of your co-workers have the power to make you cry.

    You don't have to shave below your neck.

    If you're 34 and single nobody notices.

    Everything on your face stays its original color.

    Chocolate is just another snack.

    You can be president.

    You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger seat.

    Flowers fix everything.

    You never have to worry about other people's feelings.

    You can wear a white shirt to a water park.

    Three pair of shoes are more than enough.

    You can eat a banana in a hardware store.

    You can say anything and not worry about what people think.

    Michael Bolton doesn't live in your universe.

    You can whip your shirt off on a hot day.

    You don't have to clean your apartment if the meter reader is coming by.

    Car mechanics tell you the truth.

    You don't care if someone notices your new haircut.

    You can watch a game in silence with your buddy for hours without even thinking: He must be mad at me.

    You never misconstrue innocuous statements to mean your lover is about to leave you.

    You get to jump up and slap stuff.

    One mood, all the time.

    You can admire Clint Eastwood without starving yourself to look like him.

    You know at least 20 ways to open a beer bottle.

    Same work....more pay.

    Gray hair and wrinkles add character.

    Wedding Dress $2000; Tux rental $100.

    You don't care if someone is talking about you behind your back.

    You don't mooch off others' desserts.

    The remote is yours and yours alone.

    People never glance at your chest when you're talking to them.

    ESPN's sports center.

    You can drop by to see a friend without bringing a little gift.

    You have a normal and healthy relationship with your mother.

    You needn't pretend you're "freshening up" to go to the bathroom.

    If you don't call your buddy when you say you will, he won't tell your friends you've changed.

    Someday you'll be a dirty old man.

    If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you might become lifelong buddies.

    Princess Di's death was almost just another obituary.

    If something mechanical didn't work, you can bash it with a hammer and throw it across the room.

    New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.

    You don't have to remember everyone's birthdays and anniversaries.

    Your pals can be trusted never to trap you with: "So... notice anything different?"


    There is always a game on somewhere.

    #joke #monday #fruit #banana #food #dessert #chocolate #drinks #beer #sport #football #hockey #wedding #mother
    Joke | Source: Jokes of the day - Taken from Bartender's guide to Jokes, Drinks, and Poker - once good site, no longer active.
    • Currently 7.09/10

    Rating: 7.1/10 (11)

    I never said that

    I never said that i would die if i didn't have coffee. I said other people would die.
    #joke #short #drinks #coffee
    Joke | Source: Minion Quotes - Despicable Me Minions is a website dedicated to minions. Have a good time reading minion quotes, funny quotes or entertain yourself playing minion games. Sajt vise ne radi
    • Currently 7.67/10

    Rating: 7.7/10 (6)

    Things To Do At Wal-Mart While You Wait For Your Family To Shop

    1. Get boxes of condoms & randomly put them in peoples' carts when they aren't looking.

    2. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at 10-minute intervals.

    3. Make a trail of orange juice on the floor to the rest rooms.

    4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'I think we have a code 3 in housewares,' and see what happens.

    5. Put some M&M's on lay away.

    6. Move CAUTION WET FLOOR signs to carpet areas.

    7. Set up a tent in the camping department, tell others you'll only invite them in if they bring pillows from the bedding department.

    8. When someone asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, 'Why won't you people leave me alone.'

    9. Look right into the security camera and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose.

    10. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from 'Mission Impossible.'

    11. While handling guns in the hunting department ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are.

    12. In the auto department practice your Madonna look using different size funnels.

    13. Hide in the clothing rack and when people browse through whisper 'PICK ME! PICK ME!!!!!'

    14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker assume the fetal position and scream 'NO! NO! It's those voices again!'

    15. Go to the fitting room and yell real loud.....'Hey we're out of toilet paper in here!'

    #joke #fruit #orange #drinks #juice #sport #hunting
    Joke | Source: Jokes - Used to be - Pacific products joke of the day, but site no longer works.
    • Currently 6.15/10

    Rating: 6.2/10 (13)

    Sister, Got Milk?

    There once was a 94-year-old nun in the 1890's whose worn-out body began to surrender. Her doctor prescribed for her a shot of whiskey three times a day, to relax her.
    However, not to be lured into worldly pleasures, she huffily declined. But her mother superior knew the elderly sister loved milk. So she instructed the kitchen to spike the milk three times a day. Eventually, the elderly pious one approached her final hour. As several sisters gathered around her at bedside, the mother superior asked if she wanted to leave them any words of wisdom.
    "Oh, yes," she replied. "Never sell that cow!"
    #joke #doctor #animal #cow #drinks #milk #whiskey #mother
    Joke | Source: Belief net - Joke of the day, features on religion, spirituality, faith
    • Currently 5.33/10

    Rating: 5.3/10 (3)

    Harold was an old man. He was

    Harold was an old man. He was sick and in the hospital. There was one young nurse that just drove him crazy. Every time she came in, she would talk to him like he was a little child. She would say in a patronizing tone of voice, "And how are we doing this morning, or are we ready for a bath, or are we hungry?"
    Old Harold had had enough of this particular nurse. One day, Old Harold hadbreakfast, pulled the juice off the tray, and put it on his bed side stand.He had been given a urine bottle to fill for testing. The juice was apple juice. So .. you know where the juice went!
    The nurse came in a little later, picked up the urine bottle and looked at it. "My, but it seems we are a little cloudy today .."
    At this, Old Harold snatched the bottle out of her hand, popped off the top, and drank it down, saying, "Well, I'll run it through again. Maybe I can filter it better this time."
    The nurse fainted ...! Old Harold just smiled!
    #joke #fruit #apple #food #hungry #drinks #juice
    Joke | Source: jokes warehouse - Animal jokes, Blonde jokes, doctor jokes, drunk jokes and jokes of the day
    • Currently 3.60/10

    Rating: 3.6/10 (5)

    You Know You're a Redneck If . . .

    You know you are a redneck if you get written up on the

    paper for a D.U.I. (driving under the influence of alcohol)

    and your family buys extra copies.

    #joke #short #drinks #alcohol #redneck
    Joke | Source: Jokes of the day - Taken from Bartender's guide to Jokes, Drinks, and Poker - once good site, no longer active.
    • Currently 3.00/10

    Rating: 3.0/10 (2)

     Hick Computer Terms

    Redneck computer terms
    Log On: Makin' the wood stove hotter.
    Log Off: Don't add no wood.
    Monitor: Keepin' an eye on the wood stove.
    Download: Gettin' the firewood off the pickup.
    Mega Hertz: When yer not careful down loadin'.
    Floppy Disk: Whatcha git from pilin' too much firewood.
    Ram: The hydrolic thingy that splits the firewood.
    Hard Drive: Getting' home in the winter season.
    Prompt: What you wish the mail was in the winter.
    Windows: What to shut when it's below 15 below.
    Screen: What 'cha need for the black fly season.
    Byte: That's what the flies do.
    Chip: What to munch on.
    Micro Chip: What's left in the bottom of the bag.
    Infrared: Where the left-overs go when Fred's around.
    Modem: What 'cha did to the hay fields.
    Dot Matrix: Farmer Matrix's wife.
    Lap Top: Where little kids feel comfy.
    Keyboard: Where ya hang your keys.
    Software: Them plastic eatin' utensils.
    Mouse: Whats eats the horses grain.
    Main Frame: Hold up the barn roof.
    Port: Fancy wine.
    Enter: C'mon in.
    Random Access Memory: You can't remember whatcha' paid for that new rifle when your wife asks.

    #joke #animal #mouse #horse #drinks #wine #redneck
    Joke | Source: Joke of the Day - Jokes served hot and fresh daily.
    • Currently 3.00/10

    Rating: 3.0/10 (2)


    1. She is not a "BABE" or a "CHICK" - She is a"BREASTED AMERICAN."
    2. She is not a "SCREAMER" or a "MOANER" -She is "VOCALLY APPRECIATIVE."
    3. She is not "EASY" - She is "HORIZONTALLYACCESSIBLE."
    6. She is not an "AIRHEAD" - She is "REALITYIMPAIRED."
    7. She does not get "DRUNK" or "TIPSY" - Shegets CHEMICALLY INCONVENIENCED."
    8. She does not have "BREAST IMPLANTS" -She is "MEDICALLY ENHANCED."
    9. She does not "NAG" you - She becomes"VERBALLY REPETITIVE."
    10. She is not a "TRAMP" - She is "SEXUALLYEXTROVERTED."
    11 She does not have "MAJOR LEAGUEHOOTERS" - She is "PECTORALLY SUPERIOR."
    12. She is not a "TWO-BIT HOOKER" - She is a"LOW COST PROVIDER."
    1. He does not have a "BEER GUT" - He hasdeveloped a "LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY."
    2. He is not a "BAD DANCER" - He is "OVERLYCAUCASIAN."
    4. He is not "BALDING" - He is in "FOLLICLEREGRESSION."
    6. He does not get "FALLING-DOWN DRUNK" -He becomes "ACCIDENTALLY HORIZONTAL."
    7. He does not act like a "TOTAL ASS" - He develops a case of"RECTAL-CRANIAL INVERSION."
    8. He is not a "MALE CHAUVINIST PIG" - Hehas "SWINE EMPATHY."
    9. He is not afraid of "COMMITMENT" - He is"RELATIONSHIP CHALLENGED."
    10. He is not "HORNY" - He is "SEXUALLYFOCUSED."
    11. It's not his "CRACK" you see hanging out of his pants-It's"REAR CLEAVAGE."
    Joke | Source: jokes warehouse - Animal jokes, Blonde jokes, doctor jokes, drunk jokes and jokes of the day
    • Currently 5.44/10

    Rating: 5.4/10 (9)


    Waiter : "Would you like your coffee black?"

    Customer : "What other colors do you have?"

    #joke #short #drinks #coffee
    Joke | Source: Jokes of the day - Taken from Bartender's guide to Jokes, Drinks, and Poker - once good site, no longer active.
    • Currently 4.25/10

    Rating: 4.3/10 (4)

    Jokes Archive

    NOTE: All jokes on this web site are property of the sites they are collected from. Web site Jokes of the day is not responsible for content of jokes. We are not trying to offend, just looking for a good laugh!! If you are offended by any of the jokes, please complain to the site jokes are coming from.
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