Jokes of the day for Saturday, 07 November 2020
Funny jokes, funny photo and funny video collected from the internet on Saturday, 07 November 2020 |
A man with a stuttering proble
A man with a stuttering problem tries everything he can to stop stuttering, but he can't. Finally, he goes to a world renowned doctor for help. The doctor examines him and says "I've found your problem. Your penis is 12 inches long. It weighs so much it is pulling on your lungs, causing you to stutter."The man asks, "W-w-what's the c-c-cure, d-d-doctor?"
The doctor replies, "We have to cut off 6 inches."
The man thinks about it, and eager to cure his stuttering, agrees to the operation. The operation is a success, and he stops stuttering.
Two months later he calls the doctor and tells him that since he had the 6 inches cut off, all of his girlfriends have dumped him, and his love life has gone down the tubes. He wants the doctor to operate to put back the six inches. Not hearing anything on the line, he repeats himself, "Hey doc, didn't you hear me? I want my 6 inches back!"
The doctor responds, "N-n-no w-w-way!"
Clear the Kitchen Table
My wife asked me if I could clear the kitchen table.
I had to get a running start, but I made it!
Which Chinese leader always fi
Which Chinese leader always finished his holiday purchases early? Deng Xiaoping.The Art Of Falling Apart

And life doesn't begin at 40. That's a big fat lie.
My hair's getting thinner, my body is not;
The few teeth I have are beginning to rot.
I smell of Vick's-Vapo-Rub, not Chanel #5;
My new pacemaker's all that keeps me alive.
When asked of my past, every detail I'll know,
But what was I doing 10 minutes ago?
Well, you get the idea, what more can I say?
I'm off to read the obit, like I do every day;
If my name's not there, I'll once again start
Perfecting the art of falling apart!
A young boy had just gotten hi...
A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss the use of the car. His father took him to his study & said to him, "I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study your bible a little & get your hair cut, & we'll talk about it."After about a month, the boy came back & again asked his father if they could discuss use of the car. They again went to the father's study where his father said, "Son, I've been real proud of you. You have brought your grades up, you've studied your bible diligently, but you didn't get your hair cut!" The young man waited a moment & replied, "You know Dad, I've been thinking about that. You know, Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair, & even Jesus had long hair ..." To which his father replied, "Yes, & they WALKED every where they went too!"
Tom Shillue: Pose for a Painting

A woman goes to the Doctor, wo...

The doctor asks, "So what seems to be the problem?"
The woman says, "Doctor, I don't know what to do. Every day my husband seems to lose his temper for no reason at all. It's starting to scare me."
The Doctor tells her, "I think I have just the cure for that. When it seems your husband is getting angry, just take a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish, and swish, but don't swallow it until he leaves the room or decides to go to bed."
Two weeks later, the woman returns, looking fresh and reborn. The woman says, "Doctor, that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband started to lose it, I swished with water. I swished and swished, and he calmed right down! How does a glass of water do that?!"
The Doctor informs her, "The water itself does nothing. It's having to keep your mouth shut that does the trick."
Ed Helms: Watching the New York City Marathon

33 Jokes for Teens Guaranteed to Make Them Smile

Q: Why do teenage girls travel in odd numbers?
A: Because they can't even.
Q: Why can't a T-Rex clap their hands?
A: Because they're extinct.
Q: What do you call a belt with a watch on it?
A: A waist of time.
Q: What is the wake-up time for ducks?
A: The quack of dawn.
Q: How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
A: Look for the fresh prints.
Q: What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver?
Q: What do you call high school kids who haven’t been able to go to school because of COVID-19?
A: Quaranteens.
Q: How do you drown a hipster?
A: In the mainstream.
Q: What do you call hiking U.S. college students?
A: The walking debt.
Q: What kind of tea is hard to swallow?
A: Reali-tea.
Q: Why did the math book bummed?
A: It had a lot of problems.
Q: Why did God supposedly make men before He made women?
A: Because everyone needs a rough draft.
Q: How do you communicate with a fish?
A: Drop it a line.
Q: Why shouldn’t you worry about passing math?
A: Because it's easy as pi.
Q: Why do pimples make horrible prisoners?
A: Because they keep breaking out.
Q: What do you call a grizzly with bad teeth?
A: A gummy bear.
Q: How do you know when you’re desperate for an answer?
A: You look at the second page of Google search results.
Q: What do computers snack on?
A: Microchips.
Q: What is a teenager who never grows called?
A: Constantine.
Q: Why does ice cream get invited to every party?
A: It's cool and sweet.
Q: What did the grape say when it was pinched?
A: Nothing, it just started to wine.
Q: How are parties organized at NASA?
A: They planet.
Q: What's the most hardworking part of the eye?
A: The pupil.
Q: How does the moon cut its hair?
A: It e-clips it.
Q: What do you call a Minecraft meetup IRL?
A: A block party.
Q: Why can't you trust an atom?
A: Because they make up everything.
Q: What do you call a belt with a watch on it?
A: A waist of time.
Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck!
Q: What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
A: Finding half a worm in your apple.
Q: Why are spiders such know-it-alls?
A: They’re always on the web.
Q: Why are eggs bad at telling jokes?
A: They always crack each other up.
Q: What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?
A: Don't know, don't care.
Q: What do you call hiking U.S. college students?
A: The walking debt.
Why Should I Whistle?

Murphy and his wife went for a stroll in the park. They sit down on a bench to rest for awhile. Soon they overhear voices coming from a secluded spot nearby.
Suddenly, Mrs. Murphy realizes that a young man is about to propose. Not wanting to be eavesdropping during such an intimate moment, she gently nudges her husband and whispers, "Whistle, to let that young couple know that someone can hear them."
To which Murphy replies, "Whistle? Why should I whistle? Nobody whistled to warn me?"
Farmer John lived on a quiet r...

So one day Farmer John called the sheriff's office and said, "You've got to do something about all of these people driving sofast and killing all of my chickens."
"What do you want me to do?" asked the sheriff.
"I don't care, just do something about those crazy drivers!" So the nextday he had the county workers go out and erected a sign that said:SLOW--SCHOOL CROSSING
Three days later Farmer John called the sheriff and said, "You've got todo something about these drivers. The 'schoolcrossing' sign seems to make them go even faster."
So, again, the sheriff sends out the countyworkers and they put up a newsign: SLOW: CHILDREN AT PLAY
That really sped them up. So Farmer John calledand called and called every day for three weeks. Finally, he asked thesheriff, "Your signs are doing no good. Can I put up my own sign?" The sheriff told him, "Sure thing, put up your own sign." He was going to let the FarmerJohn do just about anything in order to get him to stop calling everyday tocomplain.
The sheriff got no more calls from Farmer John.Three weeks later, curiosity got the best of the sheriff and he decided togive Farmer John a call. "How's the problem with those drivers. Did youput up your sign?"
"Oh, I sure did. And not one chicken has been killedsince then. I've got to go. I'm very busy." He hung up the phone.
The sheriff was really curious now and he thoughtto himself, "I'd better go out there and take a look at that sign... itmight be something that WE could use to slow down drivers..." So the sheriffdrove out to Farmer John's house, and his jaw dropped the moment he saw thesign. It was spray-painted on a sheet of wood:
TEACHER: Why are you late, Fra...

FRANK: Because of the sign.
TEACHER: What sign?
FRANK: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."
God is watching

One Sunday a priest announced he was passing out minature crosses made of palm leaves. "Put this cross in the room where your family argues most," he advised. "When you look at it, the cross will remind you that God is watching."
When the parishoners were leaving church, a woman walked up to the priest, shook his hand and said, "I'll take five."