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Jokes of the day for Friday, 23 August 2024

Funny jokes, funny photo and funny video collected from the internet on Friday, 23 August 2024

Do It When You Can

If you want to change the world, do it when you are single!
Once you' re married, you can't even change the TV channel.

#joke #short
Joke | Source: A joke a day - Free Jokes of the Day Clean Funny Jokes via Email, Humor and Entertainment
  • Currently 6.00/10

Rating: 6.0/10 (8)

A guy dies and goes to heaven

A guy dies and goes to heaven.
He looks around and sees clocks.
He asks St. Peter, "What are all these clocks for?"
He replies "OH, those are lie clocks, everytime you lie the hands move."
"Whose is that?"
"Mother Teresa's. Its never moved."
"How about that one?"
"Oh, thats Abe Lincoln's. Its moved a bit."
The man thinks awhile and asks,"What about [insert politician here]'s clock?"
"Oh that ones in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."
#joke #mother
Joke | Source: Reddit Jokes: Get Your Funny On! - The funniest sub on reddit. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts!
  • Currently 9.58/10

Rating: 9.6/10 (12)

Two penguins

A man drives to a gas station and has his tank filled up. The gas pumper spots two penguins sitting in the back seat of the car. He asks the driver, "What's up with the penguins in the back seat?"

The man in the car says "I found them. I asked myself what to do with them but, I haven't had a clue."

The clerk ponders a bit then says, "You should take them to the zoo."

"Hey, that's a good idea," says the man in the car and drives away.

The next day the man with the car is back at the same gas station. The clerk sees the penguins are still in the back seat of the car.

"Hey, they're still here! I thought you were going to take them to the zoo."

"Oh, I did," says the driver, "And we had a great time! Today I am taking them to the beach."

#joke #animal #penguin
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 22 September 2015
  • Currently 7.27/10

Rating: 7.3/10 (15)

Blondes kids

A blonde was with her husband shopping and she decided that they would shop in different parts of the mall.

They meet in the middle 2 hours later and she announces, "I just got kids."

The husband stares amazed, looking at the kids he says, "Those are 2 baby goats!"

Submitted by bomberman255

Edited by Calamjo, Curtis and yisman

#joke #blonde #animal #goat
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Monday, 23 August 2010
  • Currently 2.41/10

Rating: 2.4/10 (71)

Sister Mary Ann

Sister Mary Ann, who worked for a home health agency, was making her rounds. She was visiting homebound patients when she ran out of gas.
As luck would have it, a gas station was just a block away. She walked to the station to borrow a gas can and buy some gas. The attendant told her that the only gas can he owned had been loaned out, but she could wait until it was returned
Since Sister Mary Ann was on the way to see a patient, she decided not to wait and walked back to her car. She looked for something in her car that she could fill with gas and spotted the bedpan she was taking to the patient. Always resourceful, Sister Mary Ann carried the bedpan to the station, filled it with gasoline, and carried the full bedpan back to her car.
As she was pouring the gas into her tank, two Baptists watched from across the street. One of them turned to the other and said, "If it starts, I'm becoming Catholic."

#joke #doctor
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Sunday, 23 August 2009
  • Currently 7.28/10

Rating: 7.3/10 (58)

Chuck Norris once sued Burger ...

Chuck Norris once sued Burger King after they refused to put razor wire in his Whopper Jr, insisting that that actually is "his" way.
#joke #short #chuck-norris #food #burger
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 23 August 2011
  • Currently 2.12/10

Rating: 2.1/10 (57)

An old blind cowboy wanders in

An old blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake…
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, ‘Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?’
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, ‘Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:
The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
The bouncer is a blonde girl with a ‘Billy-Club’.
I’m a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.
The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.
‘Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy... Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?’
The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters,
‘No...not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times...’
#joke #blonde #animal #bat #sport #karate #baseball #cowboy
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Friday, 23 August 2019
  • Currently 8.91/10

Rating: 8.9/10 (54)

Lavell Crawford: Get to Heaven

If I get to Heaven and God is white, Id be like, I knew it all along. Show me to the hood. But if I get to Heaven and God is black, thats going to piss me off a little bit. Id be like, Aint this a bitch? Youve been black all along? Aint you been seeing what the hells going on down there?
#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 23 August 2011
  • Currently 3.52/10

Rating: 3.5/10 (50)

Gabriel Iglesias: First Thing That Comes to Mind

Ill walk up to a woman, Ill say the first thing that comes to mind: Hey, you hungry?
#joke #short #food #hungry
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Thursday, 06 October 2011
  • Currently 6.50/10

Rating: 6.5/10 (8)

10 Vampire Jokes for Halloween

Why didn't anyone want to babysit the little vampire?
A) Because he was a pain in the neck.

What is Dracula's favorite place in New York City?
A) The Vampire State Building

What did the little vampire say when he went to bed?
A) Turn on the dark, I am afraid of the light.

What did the vampire say to his victim?
A) It's been nice gnawing you.

Why do little vampires look forward to school lunches?
A) Because they know they won't get stake.

Who did Dracula take out on a date?
A) His ghoul friend

What do vampires fear the most?
A) Tooth decay

How do you join Dracula's fan club?
A) Send your name, address, and blood type.

What's a vampire's favorite fruit?
A) Nectarines

What's a vampire's favorite animal?
A) A giraffe

#joke #halloween #animal #giraffe #fruit
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Thursday, 31 October 2019
  • Currently 6.44/10

Rating: 6.4/10 (9)

Greg Giraldo: High Self-Esteem

If everyone grows up with high self-esteem, whos gonna dance in our strip clubs?
#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Wednesday, 16 March 2011
  • Currently 4.88/10

Rating: 4.9/10 (43)

A German asks a Mexican if the...

A German asks a Mexican if they have any Jews in Mexico. The Mexican says, “Sí, we have orange jews, apple jews, and grape jews!”
#joke #short #fruit #apple #orange
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 28 April 2015
  • Currently 6.91/10

Rating: 6.9/10 (57)

God is watching

One Sunday a priest announced he was passing out minature crosses made of palm leaves. "Put this cross in the room where your family argues most," he advised. "When you look at it, the cross will remind you that God is watching."

When the parishoners were leaving church, a woman walked up to the priest, shook his hand and said, "I'll take five."

Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Sunday, 11 October 2015
  • Currently 6.80/10

Rating: 6.8/10 (10)

Christmas QA Jokes

Q. What do Santa’s elves learn in school?

A. The Elfabet.

Q. What does Santa like to do in the garden?

A. Hoe, hoe, hoe!

Q: What do Santa’s elves drive?

A: Minivans.

Q: What do Santa’s elves drink?

A: Minnesoda.

Q: What is Claustrophobia?

A: The fear of Santa Claus.

Q: What breakfast cereal does Frosty the Snowman eat?

A: Snowflakes.

#joke #christmas #food #breakfast
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Thursday, 18 December 2014
  • Currently 5.33/10

Rating: 5.3/10 (3)

When the dictator of North Kor...

When the dictator of North Korea had a sex change, he also changed his name: Kim Un Hung.
#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Friday, 25 November 2016
  • Currently 4.44/10

Rating: 4.4/10 (9)

Jokes Archive

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