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Jokes of the day for Saturday, 14 September 2024

Funny jokes, funny photo and funny video collected from the internet on Saturday, 14 September 2024

Money For the Man

Little Johnny rushes inside, out of breath and shouts, "Mother! Mother! Give me some money for the poor old man that's shouting along the road!"

His mother replies, "What is he shouting?"
"Ice creams! Come get your ice cream..."

Joke | Source: A joke a day - Free Jokes of the Day Clean Funny Jokes via Email, Humor and Entertainment
  • Currently 9.38/10

Rating: 9.4/10 (8)

A man walks into a bar and orders a glass of 21-year-old whiskey...

A man walks into a bar and orders a glass of 21-year-old whiskey.

He takes a sip, then immediately spits it out.

“I asked for a 21-year-old whiskey! This is only 18 years. I’m not paying for this! Bring me a 12-year-old cognac instead.”

The bartender complies, but again, the man spits it out.

“This is only 10 years old! I’m not paying for that either!”

Frustrated after several rounds of the same routine, the bartender pours another drink and says,

"This one’s on the house."

The man takes a sip, spits it out once more.

"This tastes like piss!"

The bartender sighs and replies,

"Alright, genius, now guess how old I am?"

#joke #walksintoabar #drinks #whiskey #cognac
Joke | Source: Reddit Jokes: Get Your Funny On! - The funniest sub on reddit. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts!
  • Currently 9.55/10

Rating: 9.5/10 (11)

The last word

Two husbands, Bill and Doug, were discussing their married lives. Although happily married, they admitted that there were argument sometimes.

Then Bill said, "I've made one great discovery. I now know how to always have the last word."

"Wow!" said Doug, "How do you manage that?"

"It's easy," replied Bill. "My last words are always 'Yes, Dear.'"

Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Wednesday, 14 October 2015
  • Currently 8.65/10

Rating: 8.6/10 (17)

Chuck Norris once pulled out a...

Chuck Norris once pulled out a single hair from his beard and skewered three men through the heart with it.
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Wednesday, 14 September 2011
  • Currently 2.33/10

Rating: 2.3/10 (52)

Modern Science

Researchers say they've discovered a tree extract that could

help to prevent herpes...

.. Must be a rubber tree...

#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Wednesday, 14 September 2011
  • Currently 5.38/10

Rating: 5.4/10 (40)


A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"
Annie replied, "Because people are sleeping."

#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 14 September 2010
  • Currently 6.46/10

Rating: 6.5/10 (37)

John Mulaney: Benchwarmer Humiliation

I played basketball for five years, and I was a benchwarmer all five years. If you were never a benchwarmer, I cannot express to you the humiliation of, every Saturday morning, putting on a pair of breakaway pants and never having a reason to break them away -- then theyre just pants.
#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Wednesday, 14 September 2011
  • Currently 2.89/10

Rating: 2.9/10 (36)

A burglar broke into a house o...

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shone his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said,
'Jesus knows you're here.'
He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze.
When he heard nothing more , after a bit, he shook his head and continued.
Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a be*l he heard
'Jesus is watching you.'
Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice.
Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.
'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot.
'Yep', the parrot confessed, then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you that he is watching you.'
The burglar relaxed. 'Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?'
'Moses,' replied the bird.
'Moses?' the burglar laughed. 'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?'
'The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus.'
#joke #animal #bird #parrot
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 30 August 2016
  • Currently 9.14/10

Rating: 9.1/10 (58)

What stays in one corner bu...

Q: What stays in one corner but travels around the world?
A: A stamp.
#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Sunday, 11 October 2015
  • Currently 7.50/10

Rating: 7.5/10 (2)

A woman in Atlantic City was l...

A woman in Atlantic City was losing at the roulette wheel. When she was down to her last 10 dollars, she asked the fellow next to her for a good number. “Why don’t you play your age?” he suggested. The woman agreed, and then put her money on the table.
The next thing the guy with the advice knew, the woman had fainted and fallen to the floor. He rushed right over. “Did she win?” he asked. “No” replied the attendant. “She put 10 dollars on 33 and 46 came in.”
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Monday, 24 January 2011
  • Currently 6.85/10

Rating: 6.8/10 (13)

A new soldier was on sentry du...

A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate. His orders were clear - no car was to enter unless it had a special sticker on the windshield. A big Army car came up with a general seated in the back. The sentry said, "Halt, who goes there?"
The chauffeur, a corporal, says, "General Wheeler."
"I'm sorry, I can't let you through. You've got to have a sticker on the windshield."
The general said, "Drive on!"
The sentry said, "Hold it! You really can't come through. I have orders to shoot if you try driving in without a sticker."
The general repeated, "I'm telling you, son, drive on!"
The sentry walked up to the rear window and said, "General, I'm new at this. Do I shoot you or the driver?"
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Friday, 27 January 2017
  • Currently 8.38/10

Rating: 8.4/10 (42)

Light and hard

Q: What's the difference between light and hard?

A: You can sleep with a light on.

#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Tuesday, 28 October 2014
  • Currently 8.50/10

Rating: 8.5/10 (18)


#joke #short
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Thursday, 08 October 2015
  • Currently 8.75/10

Rating: 8.8/10 (4)

A man and a woman started to h...

A man and a woman started to have sex in the middle of a dark forest. After about 15 minutes of it, the man finally gets up and says, "Damn, I wish I had a flashlight!"
The woman says, "Me too, you've been eating grass for the past ten minutes!"
#joke #short #food #eating
Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Saturday, 19 March 2016
  • Currently 7.91/10

Rating: 7.9/10 (11)

GPT chatbot never feels blue on Mondays

Why did the GPT chatbot never feel blue on Mondays?

Because it always started the week with a byte of humor and a gigglebit of fun!

Joke | Old joke from joke of the day archives - Check out other old jokes Monday, 27 March 2023
  • Currently 6.71/10

Rating: 6.7/10 (7)

Jokes Archive

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