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Sport jokes (46 to 60)

Jokes about sports. These are the jokes listed 46 to 60.

I love hunting for antique fur

I love hunting for antique furniture. Nothing matches the thrill of the chaise.
Joke | Source: Pun Gents - Daily Jokes, One-liners, Groaners, Puns of the day :: Puns on Demand :: Punshine Girls and Boys!
  • Currently 4.25/10

Rating: 4.3/10 (4)

Rabbit walks into a bar and few more funny jokes

A priest, a rabbit and a minister walks into a bar.
The rabbit says, "I think I might be a typo!"

My wife said, "I can think of 14 reasons to leave you, plus your obsession with tennis."
I replied, "That's 15 love"

"Dad, I don't want to go to school today." said the boy. "Why not, son?"
"Well, one of the chickens on the school farm died last week and we had chicken soup for lunch the next day.
Then three days ago one of the pigs died and we had roast pork the next day."
"But why don't you want to go today?" "Because our English teacher died yesterday!"

Why pigs dressed in black never get killed?
Because Batman has sworn to protect goth ham.

My loopy neighbour has invited me to her cats birthday party on Saturday...
Is she crazy? She knows my dog is getting married that day!

#joke #walksintoabar #animal #cat #dog #rabbit #pig #chicken #food #soup #lunch #ham #sport #tennis
Joke | Source: Jokes of The Day - By Jokes of the day visitor
  • Currently 8.00/10

Rating: 8.0/10 (7)

Old jokes

'Tell An Old Joke Day' is celebrated on July 24th. This day is a way to keep old jokes alive and kicking! Luckily, our archive started back in 2008, so plenty of Old Jokes!

A guy got on a bus one day and sat in the aisle seat beside an elderly lady. A few minutes later, he couldn't control himself and had to let loose a big noisy fart.
Embarrassed, he tried to make conversation with the lady and asked her "Do you by any chance have today's paper"?
The lady looked at him and said "No, but the next time we pass by a tree I'll grab you a handful of leaves.

Q: How many Manchester City fans does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None - they're quite happy living in the shadows.

An elderly couple were killed in an accident and found themselves being given a tour of heaven by Saint Peter.
"Here is your oceanside condo, over there are the tennis courts, swimming pool, and two golf courses. If you need any refreshments, just stop by any of the many bars located throughout the area."
"Heck, Gloria," the old man hissed when Saint Peter walked off, "we could have been here ten years ago if you hadn't heard about all that stupid oat bran, wheat germ, and low-fat diets!"

A man goes into his doctor's surgery and says "Doctor, can you give me something for persistent wind?"
The doctor thinks for a moment then replies, "Yes, go and buy a kite."

Read more Old jokes on our very first jokes page: Jokes of the day for Wednesday, 25 June 2008

#joke #doctor #sport #tennis #golf #swimming
Joke | Source: Jokes of The Day - By Jokes of the day visitor
  • Currently 4.67/10

Rating: 4.7/10 (6)

38 Rock jokes to celebrate International Rock Day

International Rock Day, celebrated on July 13 every year, is all about paying tribute to rocks. Have some fun with jokes that Rock!

What do you call it when two carbons are in a relationship?
Carbon dating.

Why were the rock couple breaking up?
Because they took each other for granite.

Why did the rock couple break up?
Because they couldn't comet to each other.

My wife told me she is thinking about selling Egyptian rocks.
It sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.

What do you call a criminal rock?
Scum of the Earth.

Why did the rock decide to hit the gym?
Because he wanted to be bigger and boulder.

Where do the posh stones live?
Rockefeller Street!

Why did the rock sleep all day?
He was a bedrock.

How did the rock feel about going to jail?
He was petrified.

How did the rock feel when he got covered in algae?
He was lichen it.

You want to hear the best rock puns?
Give me a moment and I’ll dig something up.

Why did the rock shower every morning?
He wanted to start with a clean slate.

What did the stone want to be when it grew up?
A rock star.

What do you call an Irish gem that’s a fake?
A sham rock.

Why was the rock unprogressive?
Because it was stuck in the Stonehenge.

Why was the rock hesitant to start his work?
Because he was stuck in corundum.

What did the rock do when it rolled down the road?
It rock 'n' rolled.

How do geologists like to relax?
In rocking chairs.

Who is a geologist’s favorite comedian?
Chris Rock.

What is a geologist’s favorite treat?
Rock candy.

Why did the rock take English lessons?
To help it talk boulder.

What did the rock order at the bar?
Soda on the rocks.

Did you hear about the drunk geologist?
He finally hit rock bottom.

Which rock group is made up of four men who can’t sing?
Mount Rushmore.

Why was the criminal rock acquitted?
Because his alibi was rock solid.

What is a geologist’s favorite type of music?
Hard rock.

Which magazine do rocks subscribe to?
The Rolling Stone.

Why didn’t the stone get back together with the rock?
He had too many faults.

What did Ariel say when she met the rock pool?
You have nice mussels.

Why is a moon rock tastier than an earth rock?
Because it’s a little meteor.

What is rock's favorite fruit?
A pome-granite.

Why do hipsters like rocks?
They’re underground.

Where do you take an injured rock?
To the Rocktor.

Why did the judge find the rock guilty?
The lawyers had concrete evidence.

How do stones get to outer space?
By rock-et.

What kind of music sinks to the bottom of the ocean?
Heavy rock.

What’s black and white and as hard as a rock?
A panda that’s fallen in cement.

What did the young rock say about failing his tests?
I don't want to talc about it.

#joke #lawyer #animal #panda #fruit #sport #gym
Joke | Source: Jokes of The Day - By Jokes of the day visitor
  • Currently 2.33/10

Rating: 2.3/10 (3)

Independence Day Jokes

July 4th is Independence Day (US National Holiday)! Find jokes about it!

Why do Bigelow employees like the Fourth of July so much?
They love to celebrate liber-tea!

What is red, white, black and blue?
Uncle Sam when he takes a tumble down the stairs.

Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in the New York harbor?
It can’t sit.

What do you call a duck who says ‘bang’?
A firequacker.

Did you hear the joke about the Liberty Bell?
It cracked me up!

What was the popular dance in 1776?
The indepen-dance.

Who was the biggest jokester in George Washington’s army?

What did one flag say to the other?
Nothing, it just waved!

Was the Declaration of Independence written in Philadelphia?
No, it was written in ink!

What happens when you cross a stegosaurus with a firework?

What did the ghost say on the Fourth of July?
Red, white and boo.

What do you eat on July 5th?
Independence Day-old pizza.

Who was the dog that announced, “The British are coming”?
Paw Revere.

Who doesn’t get a day of July 4?
Fire – fire works.

What’s red, white, blue and green?
A seasick Uncle Sam.

What has feathers, webbed feet, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
The duck-laration of happiness.

What happens if you cross a Declaration signer and a rooster?
John Hancock-a-doodle-doo

What is the best sport to play on the Fourth of July?
Flag football.

Where is the capital in Washington, D.C.?
At the beginning.

What do you call a snowman on the Fourth of July?
A puddle.

What do you call a patriotic cartoonist?
A Yankee Doodler.

Why are there no Fourth of July knock-knock jokes?
Because freedom rings.

What’s the difference between George Washington and a duck?
One of them has their face on a bill and the other one has a bill on their face.

Where did George Washington keep his armies?
In his sleevies.

What did the tourists say when they left the Statute of Liberty?
Keep in torch!

What do ducks love about the Fourth of July?

What do firecrackers eat at the movies?

Why couldn’t George Washington sleep at night?
Because he couldn’t lie.

What did Obi-Wan Kenobi say on Independence Day?
May the fourth be with you!

What did the little firecracker say to the big one?
“Hi, Pop!”

What do you call a red, white and blue pie?

What do you call a Fourth of July accident at Mount Rushmore?
A monumental disaster.

What is the most patriotic dog breed?
Yankee Poodles

What was Uncle Sam’s favorite snack?
Fire crackers.

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
On the bottom.

Why can’t you skip out on the Fourth of July barbecue?
It would be a missed-steak.

What do an American flag and a sad candy cane have in common?
They’re both red, white and blue

What did the revolutionaries wear to the Boston Tea Party?

What did the firework seller say to his colleague on July 4?
Business is booming!

Did you hear about the angry firework?
He was so mad, he exploded!

Why did Paul Revere ride to Lexington on his horse?
Well, the horse was too heavy to carry.

What’s a firework’s favorite song?
“Pop it Like it’s Hot.”

What do fireworks eat when it’s hot out?

Who is the least guilty president?
Lincoln – he’s in a cent!

Which Founding Father is a puppy’s favorite?
Bone Franklin.

What has four legs, a shiny nose and fought for England?
Rudolph the Redcoat Reindeer.

Whose favorite lyric in "The Star Spangled Banner" is “Oh say can you see”?
An optometrist!

How do Americans spend their Fourth of July weekend?
Getting stuck in traffic.

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
(Just like how the British turned red when they saw the Americans dressing up as independent!)


#joke #animal #dog #horse #rooster #reindeer #poodle #food #salad #tomato #pizza #pie #steak #drinks #sport #football #father
Joke | Source: Hand picked jokes - Daily Jokes hand picked from various locations
  • Currently 1.80/10

Rating: 1.8/10 (5)

International Joke Day Jokes

International Joke Day, celebrated on July 1 every year, is an occasion to crack a joke or two with your friends and family.

Find funny short jokes here!

1. Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel prize?
Because she was outstanding in her field.

2. How do you know when a bike is thinking?
You can see their wheels turning.

3. Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7,8,9.

4. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
The staircase.

5. What kind of shoes do frogs love?

6. How did the baby tell his mom he had a wet diaper?
He sent her a pee-mail.

7. What is a witch’s favorite subject in school?

8. What’s brown and sticky?
A stick.

9. Why do ducks always pay with cash?
Because they always have bills!

10. How did Benjamin Franklin feel holding his kite when he discovered electricity?

11. Which superhero hits home runs?

12. What’s Thanos’ favorite app on his phone?

13. Sandy’s mum has four kids; North, West, East. What is the name of the fourth child?
Sandy, obviously!

14. What is a room with no walls?
A mushroom.

15. Why did the blue jay get in trouble at school?
For tweeting on a test!

16. What social events do spiders love to attend?

17. What did one pickle say to the other?
Dill with it.

18. What is brown, hairy and wears sunglasses?
A coconut on vacation.

19. Why is a football stadium always cold?
It has lots of fans!

20. What did one math book say to the other?
“I’ve got so many problems.”

21. What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?
That hit the spot!

22. What do you call two bananas on the floor?

23. Why did the chicken cross the playground?
To get to the other slide.

24. Why do ducks have feathers on their tails?
To cover their butt quacks.

25. How does a vampire start a letter?
“Tomb it may concern…”

26. A plane crashed in the jungle and every single person died. Who survived?
Married couples.

27. What kind of math do birds love?

28. Why can’t you ever tell a joke around glass?
It could crack up.

29. What do you call a Star Wars droid that takes the long way around?
R2 detour.

30. How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
You rocket.

31. When does a joke become a “dad” joke?
When the punchline is a parent.

32. How much did the man sell his dead batteries for?
Nothing, they were free of charge!

#joke #animal #bird #frog #chicken #owl #fruit #banana #coconut #food #lunch #sport #football #mother #mom
Joke | Source: John Chris - Funny jokes collected from all around
  • Currently 8.75/10

Rating: 8.8/10 (4)

International Asteroid Day Jokes

June 30th is International Asteroid Day! Find jokes about it!

Why did the astronaut break up with her boyfriend?
Because she said he needed space!

What's the difference between a spacecraft and an asteroid?
A spacecraft is really light, an asteroid is a little meteor.

Why did the female asteroid deny her boyfriends marriage proposal?
Because she was scared of comet-ment

They say the asteroid killed all the dinosaurs.
You could say it killed many birds with one stone.

An Asteroid Measuring 1,600 Meters Is Headed Straight Towards Earth.
That's quite the milestone! Why was Jupiter banned from competing in the planetary boxing match?
He took asteroids.

#internationalasteroidday #asteroidday

#joke #animal #bird #sport #boxing
Joke | Source: Hand picked jokes - Daily Jokes hand picked from various locations
  • Currently 3.17/10

Rating: 3.2/10 (6)

Group swimmers at the Olympics

Group swimmers at the Olympics aren't given much choice.
For them, it's synchro swim.
#joke #short #sport #olympic
Joke | Source: Pun Gents - Daily Jokes, One-liners, Groaners, Puns of the day :: Puns on Demand :: Punshine Girls and Boys!
  • Currently 7.20/10

Rating: 7.2/10 (5)

International Day of the Tropics Joke

June 29th is International Day of the Tropics! Find jokes about it!

Why don't scientists trust atoms when vacationing in the tropics?
Because they make up everything, even the "sandy" beaches!

I once spent ten years marooned on a tropical shore...
I lived on nothing but coconuts and seafood. I fashioned sandals out of leaves, a hut out of grass and sticks, and I kept myself healthy with wild plants.
One day I was scouring the beach for copper wire to build the radio I was working on, and I came across a small white spheroid about 2" in diameter that I had difficulty biting.
The mystery was solved when a man stepped out of the trees and said, "That's mine." Astonished,
I asked him, "Where did you come from?"
He said, "From the golf resort just the other side of those trees."

#internationaldayofthetropics #dayofthetropics

#joke #fruit #coconut #sport #golf
Joke | Source: Hand picked jokes - Daily Jokes hand picked from various locations
  • Currently 4.44/10

Rating: 4.4/10 (9)

Fridge Jokes

June 26th is World Refrigeration Day! Find jokes about it!

What do you call an encyclopedia in the fridge?
Cold, hard facts.

What do you get if you cross a stereo and a fridge?
Very cool music.

Why is cold milk always so relaxed?
Because it chills in the fridge.

What did the ranch say to the refrigerator?
Close the door, I'm dressing.

What’s the easiest way to get a six-pack at the gym?
Take the beer from your fridge and smuggle it in.

Why did the freezer never graduate?
Because it was set on 0 degrees.

What is blue, white and cant climb mountains?
A fridge wearing a denim jacket.

How can you tell if there is an elephant in your fridge?
There are footprints in the butter.

Why did the man throw the contents of his fridge out of the window?
He wanted to see the butterfly.

Did you hear the one about the ice cube’s great escape from the freezer?
You could say it was a well thawed out plan.

Why did the freezer run away on its marriage?
It got cold feet

Is your refrigerator running?
Mine too. See you at the refrigerator race tomorrow.

How come the fridge is always emotionally stable?
Because it’s always chill.

What do you call something that runs but never gets anywhere?
A fridge.

Why was the blonde sitting in the fridge?
Because the label on her juice said to refrigerate after opening.

#RefrigerationDay #WorldRefrigerationDay

#joke #blonde #animal #butterfly #elephant #food #drinks #milk #juice #beer #sport #gym
Joke | Source: Hand picked jokes - Daily Jokes hand picked from various locations
  • Currently 1.67/10

Rating: 1.7/10 (6)

18 Worst dad jokes for Fathers Day, according to Amazon employees

Amazon employees reveal on their best WORST dad jokes in an hilarious video series to mark Father's Day. Filmed in its UK fulfilment centres. Scotland is revealed to be the bad dad joke capital of Britain.

Interesting, one of these jokes is also voted one of 20 Best dad jokes of all time

Why are pirates called pirates?
Cos they arrrr.

What do you get if you sit under a cow?
A pat on the head.

Do you know why dads take an extra pair of socks to golf?
In case they get a hole in one.

My wife told me to stop singing Wonderwall to her …

What did the janitor say when he walked into the cupboard?

I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon.
I'll let you know.

Have you heard about the chocolate record player?
It sounds pretty sweet.

Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth.
Then it's a soap opera.

My friend cut his finger while he was cooking.
He shouldn't have been using the sharp cheese. Sorry, that joke was a little too cheesy.

What has more lives than a cat?
A frog, they croak every night.

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

A skeleton walks into a bar and says,
Hey, bartender. I'll have one beer and a mop.

A ham sandwich walks into a bar and the bartender says,
I'm sorry,
we don't serve food here.

Why don't eggs tell each other jokes?
Because they're afraid one of them might crack up.

How does the moon cut his hair?
Eclipse it.

Why don't skeletons fight each other?
They just don't have the guts.

What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?

Why don't scientists trust atoms?
Because they turn around and make up stuff.

#joke #walksintoabar #animal #cat #frog #cow #chicken #food #sandwich #ham #cheese #egg #chocolate #drinks #beer #sport #golf #father
Joke | Source: John Chris - Funny jokes collected from all around
  • Currently 9.17/10

Rating: 9.2/10 (6)

8 new jokes for Happy Friday

1. A guy tried to tell me about a tool that makes holes in hard materials, but I stopped him.
I know the drill.

2. Never fall in love with a tennis player.
Love means nothing to them.

3. Why did the cows keep returning to the field of marijuana?
It was the pot calling the cattle back.

4. 5 ants rented an apartment with another 5 ants
Now they're tenants

5. What do you call a hot babe you met at a party that's blackout drunk?
An Uber.

6. How do you know if an American sold drugs in high school?
They know what grams are.

7. A man sees his buddy carrying a box.
"What's that?" he ask.
"Oh, I got a case of beer for my wife."
Man nods sagely, "Good trade."

8. Interviewer: Would you mind explaining this 4-year gap on your resume?
Me: I went to Yale during this time period.
Interviewer: Wow, excellent! You’re hired!
Me: Thank you! I really needed this yob!

4. 5 ants rented an apartment with another 5 ants
Now they're tenants

5. What do you call a hot babe you met at a party that's blackout drunk?
An Uber.

6. How do you know if an American sold drugs in high school?
They know what grams are.

7. A man sees his buddy carrying a box.
"What's that?" he ask.
"Oh, I got a case of beer for my wife."
Man nods sagely, "Good trade."

8. Interviewer: Would you mind explaining this 4-year gap on your resume?
Me: I went to Yale during this time period.
Interviewer: Wow, excellent! You’re hired!
Me: Thank you! I really needed this yob!

#joke #friday #animal #cow #ant #drinks #beer #sport #tennis
Joke | Source: Jokes of The Day - By Jokes of the day visitor
  • Currently 7.67/10

Rating: 7.7/10 (6)

Baseball is a team effort

Baseball is a team effort. Especially the bullpen. Everyone has to pitch inning.
#joke #short #sport #baseball
Joke | Source: Pun Gents - Daily Jokes, One-liners, Groaners, Puns of the day :: Puns on Demand :: Punshine Girls and Boys!
  • Currently 1.57/10

Rating: 1.6/10 (7)

35 safe short jokes and puns

1. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
Because it was two-tired!

2. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?
A thesaurus!

3. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?
In case he got a hole-in-one!

4. Why did the picture go to jail?
Because it was framed!

5. What do you call a group of musical whales?
An orca-stra!

6. What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear!

7. Why did the math book look sad?
Because it had too many problems!

8. What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?
A can’t opener!

9. How do you catch a squirrel?
Climb a tree and act like a nut!

10. What is the skeleton’s favorite musical instrument?
A trombone!

11. Why couldn’t the pony sing a lullaby?
She was a little horse!

12. Why was the belt arrested?
For holding up a pair of pants!

13. How do you organize a space party?
You planet!

14. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
Because it felt crummy!

15. What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?
A stick!

16. What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?

17. Why did the chicken go to the seance?
To get to the other side!

18. What do you call a snobbish criminal going downstairs?
A condescending con descending!

19. How does a train eat?
It goes chew-chew!

20. Why don’t oysters donate to charity?
Because they’re shellfish!

21. What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef!

22. What did the zero say to the eight?
Nice belt!

23. Why did the scarecrow become a motivational speaker?
Because he always found a way to lift people’s crops!

24. What do you call a nosy pepper?
Jalapeño business!

25. How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it!

26. Why did the crab never share?
Because he was shellfish!

27. What do you get when you cross a computer and a lifeguard?
A screensaver!

28. Why did the banana go to the doctor?
It wasn’t peeling well!

29. What do you call a cow that can play an instrument?
A moosician!

30. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?

31. Why did the chicken cross the playground?
To get to the other slide!

32. What do you call a dog that can do magic?
A Labracadabrador!

33. What did the big flower say to the little flower?
Hi, bud!

34. What do you call a sleepwalking nun?
A roamin’ Catholic!

35. What did the traffic light say to the car?
Don’t look, I’m changing!!

#joke #doctor #animal #dog #horse #bear #cow #chicken #whale #buffalo #fruit #banana #food #pepper #beef #oysters #sport #golfer
Joke | Source: Jokes of The Day - By Jokes of the day visitor
  • Currently 7.50/10

Rating: 7.5/10 (2)

30 Earth Day Jokes! Celebrate Earth Day of 2023

April 22nd is Earth Day! Take care of earth! Earth Day of 2023, find event and join!

1. Why did the leaf go to the doctor?
It was feeling green.

2. Why are people always tired on Earth Day?
Because they just finished a March.

3. How can you tell the ocean is friendly?
It waves.

4. Why is grass so dangerous?
Because it’s full of blades.

5. Why did the sun go to school?
To get brighter.

6. How do you cut a wave in half?
Use a sea saw.

7. What did the tree wear to the pool party?
Swimming trunks.

8. What did the ground say to the earthquake?
You crack me up!

9. What kind of shorts to clouds wear?

10. Why do tornadoes zigzag?
They’re dizzy.

11. Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open?
Because she expected some change in the weather.

12. What’s the difference between weather and climate?
You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate.

13. What kind of plant grow on your hand?
Palm tree.

14. What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
You have to been careful not to step in a poodle.

15. What is a tree’s least favorite month?

16. What’s the biggest moth in the world?
A mammoth!

17. What did the little tree say to the big tree?
Leaf me alone!

18. Did you hear about the power plant that was bad for the environment all year?
He got coal for Christmas.

19. What did one lightening bolt say to the other??
You're truly shocking!

20. Mother to son: "You shouldn't always lounge around so lazily on the couch!"
Son: "I'm doing something for the environment — I'm saving energy!

21. What is a tree’s least favorite month?

22. What did the tree wear to the pool party?
Swimming trunks.

23. How can you tell the ocean is friendly?
It waves.

24. A climate scientist and a climate change denier walk into a bar.
The denier says, nice to see you.
The climate scientist says, nice to CO2.

25. If I ride my bike twice
… does that count as RE-CYCLING?

26. "I'm vegan, by the way," says a vegan. "Oh, probably out of your love for animals?" a friend replies. "No, out of plant hatred, pure plant hatred!"

27. Freedom for the gummy bears! Away with the plastic bags!

28. What kind of bow can't be tied?
A rainbow!

29. How do hurricanes see?
With one eye!

30. My teacher wanted me to come up with a set of steps that we could use to save the environment …
So I created an Al Gore-ithm.

#joke #doctor #christmas #animal #cat #dog #bear #poodle #sport #swimming #mother
Joke | Source: Jokes of The Day - By Jokes of the day visitor
  • Currently 2.33/10

Rating: 2.3/10 (3)

Jokes Archive

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